Design and confidence

I’ve started my career on the graphic design 🎨 side of life. Later gradually morphed into user interface design which led me to learn to program just so I could control the entire process and create things on my own.
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And then there was a virus

So… how’s the weather over there? How many times have you washed your hands today? Skin so dry that it started cracking? Get a good hand moisturiser, apply generously and it will get better. 🌞
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But first, clean it up

Although I had a version of the backend API done a couple of years ago (!), it was a rookie version. I had very little experience with Laravel at the time, so make plenty of mistakes and the result was a patchwork of copy and paste solutions that I didn’t really understand. 🤦‍♂️
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So… let’s try this again

It’s the middle of February, so it should still be ok to start a New Year goal. Right? 😬 I’ve been wanting to launch this project for years but haven’t taken the commitment seriously enough to make it a priority.
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Let’s build it

Summer! Won’t last much longer. Yet it’s time for another long-due update. Already 6 months went by and I didn’t write any journal updates. I’ve been working on a client project which consumed much of my daily dose of available focus and yes, I’ve been a little lazy. In a more positive light, I’ve started building a prototype.
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Designing sketches

It’s been 6 months since I started putting the first UX ideas on paper and considering the product viability. Between work, travel and Christmas got this delayed a lot. (Laaaaazy!) Anyway…!
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Sketching the UX

Now that I got the brand basics right-ish, it’s time to focus on the app itself. Maybe because I prefer the Android side, I’m also leaning towards a material design approach to the app interface. I like most of the UX solutions provided and believe it’s a solid working foundation.
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Sorting out the visuals

Lately I’ve been getting more interested in traditional methods of design. Using again just my hands, paper and pencil. And eraser. A lot of erasing. But it’s been fun, above all.
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All hands on brand

Started reviewing ideas yesterday, but only today started working on the brand. First things first: decide the name. Ran a selection of names through friends and family to avoid only english-natives.
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Ready journeys

The project’s Trello board keeps growing. In the last couple of days I added an acceptance criteria to all the user stories, making them easier to understand and test the requirements later. The acceptance criteria is just a short to-do list with all the things that need to happen to enable the user story.
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Epics & stories

Crap. It’s been a while. Between family visiting and joyful weekends, ended up getting side tracked for a couple of weeks. But today was a productive day. Back to work on lean planning. Mainly writing epics and breaking them down into user stories.
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Lean planning

Aaah, planning! You know that saying "rather spend most of the time defining the problem and only a tiny fraction solving it"? The one usually attributed to Einstein (even though there’s no evidence he actually said it)?
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One step

Today I decided to really do something about an idea. An idea I’ve had for a while but only started taking shape a few months back. What started some 8 years ago as random notes stored in my Evernote, gradually grew into its own dedicated notebook with some added structure.
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